et al

I want to talk about what's going on with D and myself. 

D has been in senior living c suites for years. Since 2018, he's had different people want him to start a management company. He's put in untold hours, days, weeks, months, and has been screwed (for lack of a better word) every time.

He took the job in Salt Lake City, only to have the rug pulled out from under him.

We've managed to squeak by with savings and with the help of family and framily. One thing after another - illness, cars dying, family dying, kids in college, and now my dad.

In this blog I haven't even yet touched on the thin thread that is my relationship with my own mother that's about to break.

The only thing I know, that I'm beyond grateful for, is my relationship with D. All these things would break up a relationship - hell, any one of these things would. But we are stronger and more committed than ever.

It's almost magical. When I have a bad day, he's the tough one. Calm washes over him. He lets me ugly cry. He does the grunt work. All along he's been our major breadwinner.

When he has a bad day, somehow I'm the voice of reason. Even though I feel helpless, my center is inexplicably quieted. 

I don't know how or why this always works. 

You know, we met in 9th grade English class, but we were in different social groups and our paths never crossed. Through the wonder of Facebook, we met again in 2009. In 2011 he took a job here in dfw, and the rest isn't yet history.

We both believe the universe had a hand in reuniting us. We'd never have been ready for one another had we begun a relationship sooner.

And we absolutely wouldn't be here without the love and support of said family and family.



  1. Omg! I will write you privately. I'm so glad you're blogging! Crying! So relatable!!!!


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